Despite warnings posted on billboards, TV and radio ads, Americans continue to utilize cell phones for talking and texting while driving. According to an article in Time magazine, crash numbers caused by technology-related distracted driving continue to rise despite a decade-long safety campaign. The article notes that U.S. drivers report they use their phones while driving on 88% of all trips and more than 50% of young drivers report they have done so within the last 30 days.

Why — despite warnings about the dangers of distracted driving — do Americans continue to do so? “They’re just not convinced it’s all that dangerous,” notes Time.  The reason for that is people “use common sense and our experience” to make decisions and if we use our cell phone a few times — without getting in an accident — we tend to think it’s safe to continue doing so. Driving studies indicate that people have become so used to using their phones when driving that they aren’t even “consciously aware” they’ve done so.

Ultimately, distracted driving is a dangerous trend. Here are a few tips for teenage drivers — and drivers of all ages — concerning safety on the road.  

For more about the this trend, read the entire Time article.